Recent Articles
Survey: Consumers willing to switch doctors for medical data access

A recent survey shows that a large number of US consumers (41 percent) are willing to switch doctors in order to get complete access to their medical records. And patient education and increased patient engagement is to blame for this. Doctors, although are not showing the same enthusiasm. The survey covered over 9000 people in […]
Trends in Cloud Computing

Increasingly small and medium businesses are employing Cloud Computing, a relatively new term referring to scalable, virtualized computing resources available on the Internet
Researchers: Can’t tweet or won’t tweet?

Can’t tweet or won’t tweet? What are the reasons behind low adoption of web2.0 tools by researches? By Cheryl Brown
Five Questions About Digital Technology to Ask Your Doctor

By David Lee Scher, MD While many in the technology and business communities think of digital health technologies as emerging or yet to be adopted, there are tools available now that patients need to not only know about, but should ask their physicians about. 1. Do you have electronic health records? The answer to this […]
ODI On-Demand Interpreting

Stratus Video Interpreting is a cloud based video interpreting solution connecting a Doctor with a live interpreter in less than 30 seconds over an iPad, PC, Android, iPhone or any video phone.
St. Joseph Interpreter Gets Early Peek at Google Glass

Keith Myers | The Kansas City Star Google Glass user Al Navas of Country Club, Mo., on the north side of St. Joseph, can control the device by voice or by tapping or swiping his finger along the side.