Social Media

Can Twitter Help Healthcare?
Twitter turns seven today and to mark the occasion here are seven reasons why healthcare professionals should be on Twitter. #1. You can build trust in and raise awareness of your healthcare messages #2. Many medical journals now use Twitter to release their latest content #3. It’s easy to interact with established and potentials colleagues […]

Does Your Doctor Like Technology? Social Media?
Technology Paneldiscussed the ways in which new technologies are contributing to the patient/physician relationship. The panel which included Denise Silber (founder of Doctors 2.0), Jamie Tripp Utitus (MS survivor and health blogger) and Renza Sciblia (diabetes consumer and health blogger) Relationships in medicine are as important now as they were in the past. The difference is that today’s […]

What do people want from health apps?
A survey of 250 patient and consumer groups Brought to you by PatientView During May to June 2013, PatientView undertook a pilot survey of 250 disparate patient and consumer groups worldwide. The aim was to determine the qualities people seek in their health apps, learn which of these qualities is the most important, and find […]

Social Media Policies for Physicians
By: Brandon Glenn Social media guidelines for physicians frequently focus on the need for doctors to separate their personal from their professional identities, but those types of policies get social media all wrong, according to a viewpoint recently published in JAMA. Instead, the viewpoint’s authors suggest a simpler, more straightforward means for physicians to assess […]