Healthcare Technology Trends

Surgery Performed With Google Glass
By Brian Honigman. Google Glass Wearable technology is still in its infancy but has already started to have widespread influence across many industries. Dr. Rafael Grossmann was the very first surgeon to use Google Glass or wearable technology in general while performing a surgery. As wearable technology continues to improve to better meet the needs […]

Smartphones become ‘eye-phones’ with low-cost devices developed by ophthalmologists
By Rosanne Spector. Researchers at the Stanford University School of Medicine have developed two inexpensive adapters that enable a smartphone to capture high-quality images of the front and back of the eye. The adapters make it easy for anyone with minimal training to take a picture of the eye and share it securely with other […]

Apple reveals newest app. Could it change health care?
Dan Diamond, Managing Editor After months of anticipation, Apple on Monday unveiled its new Health app, its cloud-based information platform known as “HealthKit,” and a slew of new partnerships with Epic Systems, Mayo Clinic, and a number of other hospitals. The open question: Will Apple’s big play for the health care market end up changing […]

iPads and Kids in the Emergency Room: Less Scary
A trip to the emergency room is a scary experience when you’re a kid. First of all you’re hurt or sick. That’s bad enough, but then you come to a strange place where doctors and nurses in funny outfits start poking and prodding and asking confusing questions.

Robots Let Doctors ‘Beam’ into Remote US Hospitals
The doctor isn’t in, but he can still see you now. Hospitals in the U.S. are now using telemedicine robots to leverage the specialists they have better and more efficiently. Via the robot, the doctor can see, hear and speak to the patient, and have access to clinical data and medical images. The robot has […]

Industry To Watch In 2014: Healthcare Tech
by Iiya Pozin Healthcare is miles behind the curve when it comes to technological innovation, an industry that historically has not been easy to innovate for. This month’s implementation of Obamacare, however, is just one of several macro trends in the space that could well create “the perfect storm” for entrepreneurship, positioning healthcare tech as […]

Researchers: Can’t tweet or won’t tweet?
Can’t tweet or won’t tweet? What are the reasons behind low adoption of web2.0 tools by researches? By Cheryl Brown

Five Questions About Digital Technology to Ask Your Doctor
By David Lee Scher, MD While many in the technology and business communities think of digital health technologies as emerging or yet to be adopted, there are tools available now that patients need to not only know about, but should ask their physicians about. 1. Do you have electronic health records? The answer to this […]