Privia Health joins forces with AI startup Navina for point-of-care clinical insights

| September 18, 2023

By Anastassia Gliadkovskaya— Navina, an AI-powered primary care platform, is teaming up with physician enablement company Privia Health Group. The collaboration will equip Privia’s network of providers with Navina’s AI tech to enhance workflows, patient care and value-based initiatives. 

“We are very pleased to announce a new partnership providing cutting-edge tools to our physicians and providers, designed to make their lives easier by reducing the time they spend sifting through patient records,” Keith Fernandez, M.D., chief clinical officer at Privia, said in a press release. “Navina’s platform stands out because of high physician satisfaction rates, the ease of use of the EHR integrated technology, and the ability to back up every insight and diagnosis with clinical evidence presented at the time of a visit.”

Privia operates as a managed services organization enabling primary care and multispecialty groups to transition to value-based care. It has more than 1,000 practice locations with more than 3,800 providers serving 4.4 million patients. Its goal is to transform healthcare with high-quality experiences for patients and doctors. 

Navina hopes to further amplify these efforts by providing actionable insights at the point of care, allowing clinicians to better assess patients’ health during clinical decision-making.

Navina’s AI platform integrates with Privia’s platform plus additional external clinical data sources. It reads and interprets structured and unstructured patient data like specialist notes, labs and imaging to generate succinct clinical summaries and evidence-based recommendations for preventive care and gap management.

A provider-patient interaction is an ample opportunity to impact patients’ health, Navina co-founder and CEO Ronen Lavi told Fierce Healthcare in an emailed Q&A.

“However, the sheer volume of patient data and the growing administrative burden can overshadow this sacred relationship,” he wrote. “Our healthcare system has reached a point where primary care physicians, who are the frontline of healthcare, have never been more stressed: by information overload, financial pressures and burnout.”

AI has the potential to mitigate these challenges, enable preventive care and offer more targeted interventions, he said.

“When AI is successfully integrated into the physicians’ workflow and earns their trust, the combination of the two together can bring back the human connection so essential to primary care,” Lavi wrote. 

One of the top barriers to widespread adoption of new tech in healthcare is getting clinicians to use it, Lavi acknowledged. Navina recognizes that doctors are trained to be skeptical and scientific.

“They will therefore only trust a system that is highly accurate and provides clinical evidence and context for any recommendations,” he wrote. That is why Navina’s AI explains every insight and references the original clinical source.”

Navina also works with physician associations to provide relevant education on the value AI can bring to the physician workflow, he said. The company is focused on primary care docs who are the “focal point” for ensuring preventive care.

A total of 4,700 users across 500 clinics use Navina to enhance their daily workflows, with 2.8 million total patient portraits generated on Navina to date. Navina’s recommendations are accepted at a rate of 74% across categories and have been found to reduce chart review time by 61%. 

“With Navina’s high utilization rate among clinicians and its capacity to improve diagnosis accuracy, the platform is already making a significant difference,” Maor Adlin, chief business development officer at Navina, said in the announcement. “We’re looking forward to working with Privia Health to unlock even greater value for physicians and their patients.”

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